Cognizance, Perception and prevalence of self-harm among undergraduates in the United States.
Dear Participant,
I, Jonathan Wilcox, am an aspiring Master of science in the discipline of Psychology at an American University. I am carrying out a research on the cognizance, perception and prevalence of self-harm among undergraduates in the United States. This is in partial fulfillment of the requisite of the award of Masters in my field.

I humbly appeal to you to treat this questionnaire veraciously and honestly and assure you that any information here will be treated confidentially and utilized for research purposes only.

Your name, and every other personally identifying info is not required, but optional.
Your answer
Sex *
Highest level of education *
Your answer
Occupational Status *
Relationship Status *
Religion *
Have you heard about self harm?
Do you have any friend or relative who commited suicide?
Self harm is about staying in control
Self harm is a form of communication
Self harm is associated with release of Anger.
Self harm is more prevalent in poor people.
Self harm is a precursor to suicide
Self harm is fatal and can lead to destruction of the body.
Self harm does not affect men and women equally.
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